Up in HuffPost: I Was Parent-Shamed When We Had An Emergency At Sea.
My husband and I are not bad parents, and I am not here to apologize.

Originally published in September of 2019, HuffPost just re-shared my article on the experience of being parent-shamed when we were rescued at sea. If you haven’t had a chance to read it and are curious about what happened, I explain what went down in the piece.
HuffPost shared the article by reposting it on Facebook here. I know, you’re never supposed to read the comments but I peeked for a bit and there is a familiar refrain of judgement within the comment thread that I’ve seen before. The thing is, I get it - I’m guilty of judging others too. The experience of being rescued at sea and having such an intense media/social media focus on me and my family during that period has taught me is to stop and identify that I'm leaning toward judging someone and then try to ask myself why. In that process of reflection I’ve learned a lot about fear, about preconceived notions and expectations, and about how much of life is gray and not black and white. - I feel like there’s an essay there, another one, burbling up. If I write it, I’ll share it too.
Hope you’re having a great weekend.
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